Sia – Alive I have made every single mistake That you could ever possibly make I took and I took and I took what you gave But you never noticed that I was in pain I knew what I wanted, I went in and got it Did all the things …
Sia – Alive I have made every single mistake That you could ever possibly make I took and I took and I took what you gave But you never noticed that I was in pain I knew what I wanted, I went in and got it Did all the things …
După proiecția în cadrul American Independent Film Festival din primăvara acestui an, Voodoo Films a lansat pe 12 iulie în cinematografele din România Vox Lux, cel de-al doilea lungmetraj al lui Brady Corbet. Și pentru că vara care abia începe este despre relaxare, muzică și seri târzii petrecute cu prietenii, …