Denisa Roșca

Denisa Roșca

2 articles
I play with words. I toss and turn sometimes between them. I stagger. I shiver. In the end, the bed is always near. I despise banality. Mundane works, sad sad affairs. I like to cheat on them with Passion. We engage in long-term projects. Feed each other’s minds, souls and bodies. Arouse ideas. Relish inspiration. We’re good together. You should see us.
Catch 22 Lugoj

Albastrul e culoarea pasiunii

by Denisa Roșca / 12 June 2014

“Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on …

Talk Tabu Lugoj

De ce nu sunt femeile cei mai buni bucătari

by Denisa Roșca / 3 June 2014

Am crescut într-o familie normală. O familie ca a ta, ca oricare alta, în care: mama pregateşte pacheteţele de dimineaţă, te întâmpină cu farfuria plină cu sandvișuri şi cana cu ceai fierbinte imediat ce ai făcut ochi, mama se grăbeşte să ajungă repede de la serviciu ca să pună puiul …