I Contain Multitudes

18 April 2020

Bob Dylan a lansat un cântec surpriză, al doilea în doar trei săptămâni, după Murder Most Foul, cu care a ajuns în fruntea Rock Digital Song Sales.

Titlul noului cântec este “I Contain Multitudes”. Parte din versuri spun: “I’m just like Anne Frank, like Indiana Jones / And them British bad boys, the Rolling Stones / I go right to the edge, I go right to the end / I go right where all things lost are made good again.”

Dylan a anunțat acest nou cântec cu un tweet interesant: #today and #tomorrow, #skeletons and #nudes, #sparkle and #flash, #AnneFrank and #IndianaJones, #fastcars and #fastfood, #bluejeans and #queens, #Beethoven and #Chopin, #life and #death.”

Fanii suspectează că aceste două cântece ar fi parte dintr-un nou album în curs de facere. Ar fi primul cu muzică originală de la lansarea albumului “Tempest” în 2012.

Today, and tomorrow, and yesterday, too
The flowers are dyin’ like all things do
Follow me close, I’m going to Berlinale
I’ll lose my mind if you don’t come with me
I fuss with my hair, and I fight blood feuds
I contain multitudes

Got a tell-tale heart like Mr. Poe
Got skeletons in the walls of people you know
I’ll drink to the truth and the things we said
I’ll drink to the man that shares your bed
I paint landscapes, and I paint nudes
I contain multitudes

A red Cadillac and a black mustache
Rings on my fingers that sparkle and flash
Tell me, what’s next? What shall we do?
Half my soul, baby, belongs to you
I relic and I frolic with all the young dudes
I contain multitudes

I’m just like Anne Frank, like Indiana Jones
And them British bad boys, The Rolling Stones
I go right to the edge, I go right to the end
I go right where all things lost are made good again
I sing the songs of experience like William Blake
I have no apologies to make
Everything’s flowing all at the same time
I live on a boulevard of crime
I drive fast cars, and I eat fast foods
I contain multitudes

Pink petal-pushers, red blue jeans
All the pretty maids, and all the old queens
All the old queens from all my past lives
I carry four pistols and two large knives
I’m a man of contradictions, I’m a man of many moods
I contain multitudes

You greedy old wolf, I’ll show you my heart
But not all of it, only the hateful part
I’ll sell you down the river, I’ll put a price on your head
What more can I tell you? I sleep with life and death in the same bed
Get lost, madame, get up off my knee
Keep your mouth away from me
I’ll keep the path open, the path in my mind
I’ll see to it that there’s no love left behind
I’ll play Beethoven’s sonatas, and Chopin’s preludes
I contain multitudes

Vă reamintim că Bob Dylan a primit de-a lungul carierei 11 premii Grammy, un Oscar și un Glob de Aur, dar şi „Medalia Libertății” primită în 2012 de la președintele Barack Obama. Este un artist emblematic, a scris şi a cântat despre condiţia socială a omului, despre religie, politică şi dragoste, publicându-şi poeziile sub titlul Versuri. Este şi pictor, actor, dar şi scenarist, însă este considerat mai degrabă muzician. Și totuși în 2016 a primit premiul Nobel pentru… literatură.

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